viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

My hobbie

Hi everyone!
In this blog im write about a one of my favourite hobbie’s: the photography. I hope do you like it.
From i was a child i love take photographs, and today is a great hobbie in the holidays. Im started in the photography since 2012, when my parents gift me a camera in the christmas, since then i became interested in the photography world.
Normally, i take photgraphs in my holidays in different places or parks of Santiago, like Araucano, Bicentenario of Vitacura, Templo Baha’i, etc. But i really love take photographs of the south of Chile, in different national parks o places, like Vicente Pérez Rosales, Conguillio, Huilo Huilo, Torres del Paine, etc. This implies being always attentive with the camera, even miss important momments because to be with the camera. For this, i take photographys awhile, and the rest i enjoy the landscape only with my eyes.
In my last trip in april, to Arica, i was visited the Lauca national park. In this park the most important attractives are the Chungará lake and the Parinacota volcano. I took my camera to take pictures, but  the batteries died, so i had to take photographs whit my cellphone.
Here a photography of the Parinacota volcano, at 4500 meters over sea level, in april 2018.

Thanks for your attention, see you in the next blog!