jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

A family member

Hi bloggers!
Today i’m write about my little brother, Javier. He is 17 years old and is the last of 3 brothers, where i’m the second. We live together with my other brother, my two parents and my uncle. With Javier we shared bedroom, so we stay together a long part of the day. My brother is very funny and extravagant, even he say himself “exotic” haha. When we went to holiday i really enjoyed with him because is very gracious and he made my parents enjoy too.
Javier is in his last school year, and i think he is very mature and big that me in this age. But he is the minor of the house, so is very loose. When i had their, i was always made different things in the house, like tidying up the house, washing the dishes, cooking, buying, etc., also i had to care him. But he does nothing of this, and my parents say nothing about haha, i think is the advantage of be the little.
Also we are involved in some discussions along the week, but he thinks like me, so we can have long conversations about different topics, because we have similar points of view.
Thanks for read, good bye!

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