viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

My favourite concert

Hi everyone, in this post i to write about a one of my favorites concerts.
“Cultura Profética” is a group of reggae music of Puerto Rico, and my favourite band. In april of 2017 i went to Surfbeats Festival in Pichilemu, O´Higgins región, whit my cousin and other friends, where i enjoyed to much this concert, because  we were in a hill next to the sea, and Cultura Profética played at sunset.
Definitely, the atmosphere in te concert was magic, with this band and the others. The concert lasted a ten hours approximately.
This group played some of my favourite songs, like Ilegal, La complicidad, etc. Here a video of one of this greats songs, and the sunset:

And here a official video of "La complicidad":

This band played same in the conerts and in the recorded songs. Definitely was a great concert and i would like to repeat it some day in the future. 
I hope you enjoyed this post, see you later!

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Favourite program in my childhood

Hi evereyone!

In this post im talk about a my favourite tv programme in my childhood: The power rangers.
I dont see many programs in my childhood, i prefer play football with my friends. However, the power rangers i like more tan others. When i was 8 yeras old approximately i saw this programme in Fox kids channel There were many versions of this programme, but i watch long seasons in the afternoons, after go to school. I wanted to be a red power ranger, because he was de leader of the group, and my favourite color in my childhood was red.
I saw many versions like Wild Force, Time Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Mystic Force, etc. But the Ninja Storm was my favourite versión of power rangers, because i liked the actors and their suits. In all of the seasons, the power rangers was the city protectors, of a different enemys, facing different threats in the chapters

Here is a photo of a special chapter. All the red power rangers (of all seasons) was reunited in a single chapter to defeat a common enemy:

Resultado de imagen para power rangers rojos