viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

My favourite concert

Hi everyone, in this post i to write about a one of my favorites concerts.
“Cultura Profética” is a group of reggae music of Puerto Rico, and my favourite band. In april of 2017 i went to Surfbeats Festival in Pichilemu, O´Higgins región, whit my cousin and other friends, where i enjoyed to much this concert, because  we were in a hill next to the sea, and Cultura Profética played at sunset.
Definitely, the atmosphere in te concert was magic, with this band and the others. The concert lasted a ten hours approximately.
This group played some of my favourite songs, like Ilegal, La complicidad, etc. Here a video of one of this greats songs, and the sunset:

And here a official video of "La complicidad":

This band played same in the conerts and in the recorded songs. Definitely was a great concert and i would like to repeat it some day in the future. 
I hope you enjoyed this post, see you later!

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Juan Pablo! I hope you're fine.
    "La Complicidad" is my favourite song of Cultura too. It's really good. I am glad that you enjoy it.


  2. Hi Juan Pablo, very good music that you listen to, the times I've listened to reggae I liked it.

  3. I love Cultura too, me and my friends used to listen they at school, it brings me a lot of memories. My favourite is "Un deseo".

  4. Sounds like a great concert. I once sang in a reggae band when I lived in Spain. We never got to play live but we recordrd a couple of demos.
