viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

Something im good at

Hi everyone!
In my blog im to write about a something im good at. Sincerely i don´t have idea what im good at, but one thing that i love and i think im good at, is football.  Exist so many tipes of football, like “baby football”, “futsal”, and the tipycal “football 11”.
In my childhood i was play football, but i was not good in this sport because i was very small and skinny, then i stopped playing. When i was 15 years old approximately, i saw a lot of football in tv and i fell in love again, so i went back to play this wonderful sport. At that moment i was too tall and better in the defence, then i started playing in different places.
I was playing in several ligues, in Santiago, San Miguel, La Florida, Macul, Las Condes and Nancagua and Placilla (sixth region), etc.
I remember a semifinal of the my school championship in 2014, where we were losing 4-3 and one teammate is injured, we were no have substitutes, and we continue playing with one less. So i made two goals and we won 4-5 in the last minute, and clasified to the final in a awesome match where the whole school was watching us. And other great remember  was when we won a “copa geo” in 2017 with my partners of geography, in beaucheff
Today im playing 1 or 2 times at week, and it helps me to distract to the routine and make exercise.
I dont know if im good at, but i lovit.
Here a picture of 2015 with my friends and teammates of the school in a “pichanga”:

Thanks for Reading, regards!

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