miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

A walk

My family is from a little city called Nancagua in Colchagua province, located in the region of Libertador Bernardo O'higgins. All of my life i live in Santiago, but since i was a little i travel to this place in the most of the weekends, because i have many family members.
The sundays was tradittion go to walk in a hill located near the village, called Puquillay hill. Around the years 2008 and 2012 was with more frequency.
I remember in 2010, when i was 13 years old, with my family we went a walk in the hill a sunday, with my uncles and cousins. We walk 2 hours to get to a new place and we had lunch there, ate sandwichs, eggs and drink juice, we gated firewood to the winter and we saw many animal species like spiders, cows and horses.
This walk i liked because we was connected with the nature, with a blue sky and a privileg view of the valley, far of the Santiago's contamination and making a healthy routine, eating good food and talking with my family.    
This tradittion is more difficult to make today, because we have many obligations (in the universities, works or school). I like to do this walk again because i like disconnect of the routine of the city and share with my family.
Here a picture of me in the hill (in 2010 haha).

1 comentario:

  1. JP!
    What nice your post!
    I love that these walks are with the family. Because this make good times with love ones that will be remembered for life.
    PS: What a good photo! jajajaj
