viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

The country that i would like to visit

I would like travel to many countries, like Canadá, Iceland and the rest of Southamerica. But, i would like first to England.
I like this country because i love footbal, and in this place exist many football teams and their stadiums are awesome. I think the culture in England is interesting, especially in the football sport. In this country many people goes to the stadium, even in the different division’s, not like Chile, where the stadiums of first división are emptiness, because few people goes to the stadium. Personally, i like Chelsea football club in London, and i would like meet the Stamford Bridge stadium, visit the museum, and asist to see a match in live of the premier league. This is the first reason to travel to England. Also, i want to know people wiht different customs, languages, etc. From Europe.
Then, i would like know many places in Chile, and the other countries in Southamerica, like Perú, Colombia, Ecuador, etc. I hope to travel so much in the next years.
Here a picture of the Stamford Bridge stadium in London, England.
Resultado de imagen para stamford bridge

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

My hobbie

Hi everyone!
In this blog im write about a one of my favourite hobbie’s: the photography. I hope do you like it.
From i was a child i love take photographs, and today is a great hobbie in the holidays. Im started in the photography since 2012, when my parents gift me a camera in the christmas, since then i became interested in the photography world.
Normally, i take photgraphs in my holidays in different places or parks of Santiago, like Araucano, Bicentenario of Vitacura, Templo Baha’i, etc. But i really love take photographs of the south of Chile, in different national parks o places, like Vicente Pérez Rosales, Conguillio, Huilo Huilo, Torres del Paine, etc. This implies being always attentive with the camera, even miss important momments because to be with the camera. For this, i take photographys awhile, and the rest i enjoy the landscape only with my eyes.
In my last trip in april, to Arica, i was visited the Lauca national park. In this park the most important attractives are the Chungará lake and the Parinacota volcano. I took my camera to take pictures, but  the batteries died, so i had to take photographs whit my cellphone.
Here a photography of the Parinacota volcano, at 4500 meters over sea level, in april 2018.

Thanks for your attention, see you in the next blog!

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

Something im good at

Hi everyone!
In my blog im to write about a something im good at. Sincerely i don´t have idea what im good at, but one thing that i love and i think im good at, is football.  Exist so many tipes of football, like “baby football”, “futsal”, and the tipycal “football 11”.
In my childhood i was play football, but i was not good in this sport because i was very small and skinny, then i stopped playing. When i was 15 years old approximately, i saw a lot of football in tv and i fell in love again, so i went back to play this wonderful sport. At that moment i was too tall and better in the defence, then i started playing in different places.
I was playing in several ligues, in Santiago, San Miguel, La Florida, Macul, Las Condes and Nancagua and Placilla (sixth region), etc.
I remember a semifinal of the my school championship in 2014, where we were losing 4-3 and one teammate is injured, we were no have substitutes, and we continue playing with one less. So i made two goals and we won 4-5 in the last minute, and clasified to the final in a awesome match where the whole school was watching us. And other great remember  was when we won a “copa geo” in 2017 with my partners of geography, in beaucheff
Today im playing 1 or 2 times at week, and it helps me to distract to the routine and make exercise.
I dont know if im good at, but i lovit.
Here a picture of 2015 with my friends and teammates of the school in a “pichanga”:

Thanks for Reading, regards!

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

My favourite concert

Hi everyone, in this post i to write about a one of my favorites concerts.
“Cultura Profética” is a group of reggae music of Puerto Rico, and my favourite band. In april of 2017 i went to Surfbeats Festival in Pichilemu, O´Higgins región, whit my cousin and other friends, where i enjoyed to much this concert, because  we were in a hill next to the sea, and Cultura Profética played at sunset.
Definitely, the atmosphere in te concert was magic, with this band and the others. The concert lasted a ten hours approximately.
This group played some of my favourite songs, like Ilegal, La complicidad, etc. Here a video of one of this greats songs, and the sunset:

And here a official video of "La complicidad":

This band played same in the conerts and in the recorded songs. Definitely was a great concert and i would like to repeat it some day in the future. 
I hope you enjoyed this post, see you later!

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Favourite program in my childhood

Hi evereyone!

In this post im talk about a my favourite tv programme in my childhood: The power rangers.
I dont see many programs in my childhood, i prefer play football with my friends. However, the power rangers i like more tan others. When i was 8 yeras old approximately i saw this programme in Fox kids channel There were many versions of this programme, but i watch long seasons in the afternoons, after go to school. I wanted to be a red power ranger, because he was de leader of the group, and my favourite color in my childhood was red.
I saw many versions like Wild Force, Time Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, Mystic Force, etc. But the Ninja Storm was my favourite versión of power rangers, because i liked the actors and their suits. In all of the seasons, the power rangers was the city protectors, of a different enemys, facing different threats in the chapters

Here is a photo of a special chapter. All the red power rangers (of all seasons) was reunited in a single chapter to defeat a common enemy:

Resultado de imagen para power rangers rojos